Tips For Adjusting To Life With Braces: What To Expect

Tips For Adjusting To Life With Braces: What To Expect

Deciding whether or not to get braces is never easy. Braces are a considerable investment in time, money, and energy. Not only will you need to pay a significant amount of money for the upfront cost of the braces, but you will also be required to visit your dentist at least once a month to regularly tighten the appliances.

As such, you certainly would want to know what happens after you get braces, what you should expect with braces in the first couple of days, and everything else about adjusting to life with braces in general. As with any investment, braces pay off eventually. They will give you a more aligned and attractive smile and enhance the overall health of your teeth.

If you plan to get braces in Singapore or are about to have them installed soon, do not fret! Here are some basic tips on adjusting to life with braces, especially in the first few weeks.


1. Be careful about what you eat with braces


Eating is absolutely fine as soon as you leave your dentist’s clinic, but you should watch the type of food you put inside your mouth. When getting braces, your dentist basically moves your teeth out of their natural position into one that is aligned better. However, while doing so, a lot of stress is placed on your teeth.

When you first get your braces, you may notice that your teeth feel tender and sore. Allow your teeth to adjust to the changes by eating only soft or well-cooked foods so that you do not need to chew or bite down forcefully. Here are some of the best foods you can eat while wearing braces:

  • Rice
  • Soups
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Fruits
  • Hot cereals
  • Pasta
  • Seedless bread
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Tender and well-cooked meats
  • Yoghurt
  • Pudding

After a couple of days, you should be able to return to normal eating. Nonetheless, it is crucial that you still avoid hard or chewy foods, such as apples, corn cob, and certain types of beef, as these can get caught in your braces. You should also avoid sticky foods that might get stuck in your braces, like caramel.


2. Use dental wax to fight sores


Brackets are generally designed to feel gentle on your mouth. However, they can rub on the soft tissue inside your mouth, which may lead to irritation. This can mainly happen while you are still getting used to your braces. Over time, the soft skin in your mouth will adjust to the presence of your braces, and you will no longer get mouth sores.

Until then, it is highly recommended to use dental wax that can ease any discomfort you might feel due to your braces. Even invisible teeth aligners can cause sores and discomfort if they rub against your gums or tongue. If you notice spots where your mouth feels a bit more sensitive to your wires or brackets, buy dental wax at the pharmacy. This wax is moulded to cover the wire or bracket that is bothering the skin in your mouth.


3. Rinse with saltwater


If you experience irritation or abrasion due to a sharp bracket or stray wire, one of the most advisable things you should do is rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution. This will keep the sore clean and minimise the pain. While saltwater will not cure the sore, it can lessen the discomfort and speed up wound healing. To make a saltwater solution, simply add half a teaspoon of table salt to a cup of lukewarm water.


4. Practise good oral hygiene at all times


More than ever, it is necessary to maintain good oral hygiene habits while you are wearing braces. After every meal, brush your teeth with a soft-bristled brush for at least two minutes each time. Moreover, remove any food particles that might get stuck in your brackets using a pressurised waterpik or dental floss.

After getting your braces, your everyday routine should include brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing regularly. It would help to clean your teeth professionally bi-annually or once every six months. Practise these oral hygiene habits early on in your journey with braces to ensure that you will not encounter any problems in the long run.




Different individuals adapt to the discomfort of braces differently. Some can adjust to life with braces in just a couple of days, while others might need more time to get used to them. Regardless of how long your adjustment period will be, you should follow the tips shared in this article, as they can help make your journey to straight teeth much easier and more enjoyable. Furthermore, be sure to choose a reliable dentist who will guide you through the entire journey!

For the most excellent yet affordable dental braces in Singapore, The Braces Practice is the dental expert you can trust! Our team of seasoned and dedicated dentists can help you solve all your dental problems and achieve a perfect smile. We can provide any orthodontic treatment you need – metal braces, ceramic braces, or invisible teeth aligners in Singapore – at a reasonable price. Contact us through a call or visit our dental clinic in Holland Village and Bedok to learn more.

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